Saturday 21 May 2011

Comedy And My Views.

What is Comedy?
The art of laughter?
The skill to make others laugh at yourself through words or actions?
Maybe, maybe not

Currently i am watching Lee Evans, the legend of comedy in my eyes, thats when i sat and thought, what is comedy?
Thats how i got the idea of this post, so enjoy.

Comedy can be misconstrued as a simple joke to make other people laugh, but it is not as simple as that, not in my eyes.
Jokes are funny yes, and are meant as, well, a joke, but it all depends on the subject of the joke.
Take Lee Evans for an example.
His jokes and acts are all about real life, not really offensive to people is it?
Then take "regular" people, who tell jokes to amuse there friends and family, but, most of the time these jokes (in my eyes) are pathetic.
Why use racism in jokes?
Why makes jokes about the dead who cannot defend themselves?
Why use disability, colour, origin and many more pathetic subjects to amuse other people and degrade others?
But i am not the maker of comedy, so i go back to my question, what is comedy?
Who knows?

My vies on comedy is to make a person or people laugh and smile while keeping it above the belt, i mean do not get me wrong, subjects such as sex and the like are acceptable to me, every one does it or has done it so its a subject we may all relate to, but accessing the world of racism and other subjects in order to degrade said people in order to make some one laugh, to me, is just disgusting, that is not comedy, that is sick.

But once again people may argue "if it makes them laugh then it is comedy right?"

Well yes, that is comedy, but this post is called "comedy and MY views" so do not start picking faults yes.

I will not lie, I myself have laughed at disgusting jokes, we all have, do not lie, but when you sit and think about it, most of said jokes are stereotypical and as such, false.

For example,
making a joke about (on the top of my head) Jews being greedy.
That is basically giving the Jewish Religion a bad name and so, the race (if you call it race?) itself.
(I'd like to stress i hate religion and the views it forces upon people)

Keeping this post short, comedy is being exploited and abused for a talentless branch of the talent tree, any one can make up or steal some jokes, add a stupid act and implement there own voices and call it a comedy act.

But once again, i do not know what comedy truly is, this is just one of those "I'm thinking and should blog this" type moments.

Thank you for reading.

Friday 20 May 2011

A Few Rants

I thought the first appropriate and "official" post would be me ranting on a few subjects.

First of all i'd like to point out these are my personal opinions and i do not wish to debate on my views, if i offend you then i am sorry but it is nothing personal to any one what so ever.


I hear about this on a daily basis, and to me it's laughable, and i shall explain why now.

Why do so many people believe in this stuff?
I understand the theory behind "every one needs something to believe in" trust me, i do feel that way myself, but to blindly believe in a book that was written by people and have no facts to back up there ramblings and there "insane" theories is just plain wrong to me, ill explain what i mean now.

For example:

Noah's Ark, a boat capable of housing two of every animal for so many days
Does any one except myself see how crazy this is?
A boat that size would need to be bigger than Russia itself considering there are over 5 million species of animal (not even mentioning insect) which we would surmise as holding over 10 million animals on one boat.
Long story short, this is utterly and completely impossible.

That is just one of the many examples, to me, people who trust and live for a religion that they know nothing about and blindly support are idiots and do not deserve the essentials of life in which science has provided for us, rant number one over.


So over the past few months my so called "friends" have shown there true colours, i will not name names in which to shame those people, that is not fair considering none of them will even read this and cannot defend themselves, basically ill give the run down of what they did and are doing.

I will not go into massive detail in these stories as they are personal, so bare with me

For the purpose of this rant i will rename the people accordingly

"Friend" number one: Alicia

Alicia was my best friend, she was always there and we had such a laugh, but one day something happened and she basically cut ties with me there and then, little did i know to foreign persuasion.

"Friend" number two: Alexandria

Alexandria was also my best friend, we had allot in common and also had such a laugh, but on this occasion, my other "friend" (next story) started calling her names behind her back to myself and not very nice names, in the end basically he said he never wanted to so much as see her again, me being me i found this to be extremely disrespectful and rude, so i told Alexandria what my "friend" had said, she basically said she was furious and never wanted to see him again, i continued to support her and to my knowledge, make her happy, until one day she lied to me in order to avoid seeing me under the lie of "my mother needs me" only for me to find out two days after she had gone to a place i loved, thats not the worst part, the worst part is that it was with my "friend". Your now asking why did she do that, basically my "friend" denied everything he said about her and blamed it on myself, confusing Alexandria and basically making her turn her back on me.

"Friend" number three: Michael

Michael is an interesting story, so lets begin shall we.
Michael was my closest and best friend i had for 6 nearly 7 years, i should explain before i continue, before i met him i had no friends, so i was used to a lonely life, when i met him things changed, lets continue.
6 or so years later i started to notice something strange, Michael wasn't who i thought he was, he was controlling me and i never knew it, of course it started to annoy me, but i did not want to risk losing him, so i went to another friend for advice, long story short he found out what i thought of him and he did not like it, not one bit, so slowly he started spreading the lies about me (see the other two stories) turning Alicia and Alexandria against me without them even noticing it, this made me furious, one closest and best friends turning against me against there own free will, for a month or so i was back to my lonely life style, but this time i had the power to change it.

What i did:

Naturally i went into depression, wondering and over thinking, maybe i did this to myself, maybe they truly hated me now, or maybe there was some one who disliked me at the moment.
A month or so later i thought to myself, i will not let this happen, but me being me i had no clue where to start, so i went to the only people i had left, my parents, for advice, but my Mother being my Mother got on the phone to each of the people to ask what was going on, the other side of the story if you will, in the end i became even more furious and snatched the phone from my Mother's grasp for each of the conversations, lets just say the things i said to them were colourful and i will not repeat it here.
After about 30-45 minutes of shouting and explaining myself to each of them they started to doubt me more, until i brought in the evidence, what evidence is that you may ask, well, Michael did the work himself, he threw himself into a gun shop and shot himself, he spoke about them both without knowing they could hear him, needless to say they both believe me now and do not want anything to do with him.
Now for Michael
I'll cut this down, i basically said if i hear him speak lies about me again and try to ruin my life and rip my friends from me, then he better have a good hiding place.

Those are basically the two rants, everything else is not worth my time
Thanks you for reading this long post

This part is not worth reading unless it is Bethan

Bethan, i love you, now read the blog woman D<

Getting Back Into Blogging...

So its been quite a while since i last blogged it seems, so i feel like i should do it more often, daily maybe? or will weekly be more realistic, i do not know

this blogging scene for me is just random stuff, things i like, points to be made, my personal life, depends

basically i stopped blogging because no one seemed to be interested, no one cares about my blog and i doubt any one has even read a single post, what i will do is, post this on facebook and if some one responds to the link saying something along the lines of "i read it" then i shall continue, starting with a new post after this


Friday 19 March 2010

Top 10 Games - My Opinion

Well i wanted to kind of review games and tell others what i thought
so lets do this in a descending order

10 - Little Big Planet (PS3)

This game was so much fun when i first bought it
you can make your own levels and make almost anything
and you can play up to 4 people online
one thing that isn't a reason to boast about though is the plain fact it gets boring after a month of playing

9 - Rock Band 1&2 (xBox 360)

Well, this is one of the most fun and best games i have ever played
even if you suck at music you can have a laugh at this game
the only thing putting this game down is the fact that the drum kit sucks major ass
if they gave you a decent one with the £150 you pay this game would be the best game ever in my opinion

8 - Bioshock (xBox 360, PS3 and Windows)

This game is one of the best games i have ever played
it has everything
and even an amazing story
one thing put this game down and that is there is not a real big free roam aspect

7 - Naruto Accel 3 (PSP)

the best Naruto game i have ever played
featuring the most characters in any Naruto game available
including all members of Akatsuki baring three paths of Pein and Zetsu
definitely a must buy
only thing keeping this game down is that it is Japanese only for the time being
as soon as its translated it will soon reach number 1 in my list

6 - Fallout 3 (PS3, xBox 360 and Windows)

So much fun just having a walk down the road and seeing a Raider minding his own business
what do i do?
i pullout my Reservist Sniper rifle i took 3 hours to find and ten blow his head off
i think so
one thing putting it down is again the total lack of free roaming

5 - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3 and xBox 360)

Amazing graphics
amazing sound
amazing game
lets see,
total lack of free roaming
lack of leveling up
characters suck ass most of the time
and the fighting system is the stupidest system i have ever seen in a Final Fantasy game
but still its number 5 despite the criticisms

4 - Age of Empires II (Windows)

This game is 13 years old
and still it is the best Real Time Strategy game i have ever played
it has me totally hooked and i have nothing bad to say about it

3 - Age of Mythology (Windows)

Again this game is 8 years old and is still the most amazing Real Time Strategy ever
the difference between this and the one before this one is the fact you control mythology
again nothing bad about this game
its so addicting and i will always go back to it

2 - Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2)

well, what can i say
the characters are amazing
gameplay is amazing
the story is superb
every time i play this game i fall deeper in love with it
there is only one problem with this game
it ended

1 - Garry's Mod (Windows)

haha the very best for last
well i guess i better make it worth it
what can i say about Gmod?
well lets see,
do you want to see Tsunade from Naruto fight Luke Skywalker from Star Wars?
would you like to see a Kitten beat the shit out of Hitler?
what about welding a pair of wheels onto a bath tub and attaching a jet engine and going for a ride?
well guess what
in this game you can do all of that and much much more
you can even makes games inside this game
if you can think it
you can make it
obviously a little bit of programming skills are required
but come on
a kitten just beat up Hitler
and how much is this godly game of wonders?
thats it

Mac vs PC

Being a Windows 7 PC user you would think i am all for the PC scene
well your wrong
I've wanted to get my grubby mitts on an Apple Macbook for quite some years
as most Apple lovers will back me up on is when you tell people about it the reaction is the same
"Mac sucks"
"PC is much better"
my reaction?
don't criticize until you try them
you see about 95% of people have Windows based PCs and there for are instantly put of Mac OS
and here is the difference between the both:

most people buy a bog standard machine
meaning the average user cannot listen to music while playing a game and downloading a movie
PCs are made by the thousands making use of cheap crappy components to make the PC scene a cheap one
but what people see as a cost efficient way of getting the job done is also the reason why PCs are popular
people are instantly drawn to the cheaper option and dont seem to give the other a second thought

now here is where the difference is
a standard Mac costs £1000
because they are not mass produced sh*t
each and every Mac is built for its purpose making it extremely fast and good at its job
there is no cheap components that bottle neck the operating system
you can make music, make a movie, download a game and sing along while its doing it
without the risk of it choking

Different Software
now this is fun
obviously each operating system has different software
now lets compare them shall we?


what does the PC have?
Internet Explorer
the biggest joke of an internet browser
its slow, insecure, it freezes allot and is just plain ugly

what does Mac OS have?
its extremely fat, useful and it has allot of very handy features

Mac - 1
PC - 0

Word Processing

Microsoft Word
this is dominating the word processing world for one reason
Microsoft has the money to enforce it
its good for a simple letter but also very ugly and slow

now this is a word processor
its streamlined, fast, beautiful and doesn't slow down at all

Mac - 2
PC - 0


haha the PC music scene is a joke
what does the PC have?
Windows media player
the worst music player i have ever seen in my life

well, it can download, sort, tag and put lyrics on your music
mix them up, make playlists, podcasts, applications and even album artwork
clear winner here

Mac - 3
PC - 0

i could go on all day about different things
so ill cut this short
the only thing in which the PC beats a Mac is the gaming scene
but i don't tend to play games on my PC anyway so it is not a problem

if you wish to make, edit, publish and become a master at music, videos and pictures
get a Mac
if your a cheap skate who plays games
get a PC
